I think it hit me when I saw my name on the speaker list under no other than the renowned Thomas W. Jones.
I hope you'll join us there. If not in person, than via live streaming. Just visit www.rootstech.org & download the app while you're there. My mom will be hosting several Google Hangouts or those that can't be there as well. Visit her site where she explains how: http://blog.dearmyrtle.com/2013/03/dearmyrtle-live-at-rootstech-2013.html
If you are going to be at the conference, I'd love to meet ya! You can find me at Saving Memories Forever booth (in the vendor hall) or Friday morning in my Photo Editing 101 class. If you come to the booth, you'll have to try this great app that allows you to easily record and store your recorded stories and memories!
Carrie Keele
(a.k.a. "DearMYRTLE's daughter)
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