– What is it?

is a fun & quirky way to share your life with family and friends through a
series of pictures. Snap a photo with your mobile phone, then choose a filter
to transform the image into a memory to keep alive forever!
Why use it?
- Easy, fun way to share your life with friends & fam
- Showcase and personalize your blog or website
- Connect with like-minded people
How is it different?
- Easy to follow other, you don’t have to “friend” people like Facebook
- Not limited to 140 characters like twitter
- Pinterest is for sharing ideas found on the web, Instagram is for sharing your stories, interests, etc
Check out the full webinar:
My mom and I had a ton of fun demonstrating how to use and create instagram pictures.
My top 7 favorite apps to use with Instagram:
- Diptic
- Instaplus
- Labelbox
- Camera+
- 100Cameras
- Frame Free
- InstaFrame - free
Carrie Keele
(a.k.a. "DearMYRTLE's daughter)
I can't wait to watch the webinar and see how you have utilized Instagram!