I looooooove a good contest. So why not host one, genealogy style?!?
During tonight's Instagram for Genealogists webinar, I, of Not Your Mother's Genealogy and my mom (aka Myrt) of DearMYRTLE's Genealogy Blog will tell you all about the 2012 "Share a Memory" Contest running now through 30 Sept 2012, with winners to be announced 5 October 2012 during Family History Month here in the USA.Thanks Mom, for helping put this together and for sponsoring the prizes!!
During tonight's Instagram for Genealogists webinar, I, of Not Your Mother's Genealogy and my mom (aka Myrt) of DearMYRTLE's Genealogy Blog will tell you all about the 2012 "Share a Memory" Contest running now through 30 Sept 2012, with winners to be announced 5 October 2012 during Family History Month here in the USA.Thanks Mom, for helping put this together and for sponsoring the prizes!!
It could be a child's memory, an ancestor's story, a reunion memory, a recipe story, a back to school memory, a family ski vacay story, a camping trip memory, a water-skiing story, a miracle memory, a do-it-yourself project story, a favorite thing memory, a cousin story, a birthday memory...
In this video we share several ideas to get you started:
but you could also do something like:
- Remind a 5 year old how proud you are he can ride his bike without the training wheels by sharing the video clip on YouTube for the world to see.
- Blog about how you made that family photo quilt.
- Use Instagram to begin sharing ancestor photos with your siblings and cousins, preserving family history
- Share a joke your Dad always used to tell via FB or your blog.
- Create a short video clip about that old family heirloom.
Enter the 2012 "Share a Memory" Challenge:
- Create your "Share a Memory" project using any sort of technology to preserve the story.
- Send us the the info with a link to your project, via Carrie's Facebook page:
If it is an Instagram, or Twitter be sure to include:
@NYMGenealogy (for Not Your Mother's Genealogy!)
Simply copy/paste the following text to make it easy:
@DearMYRTLE @NYMGenealogy #shareamemory Here's the link to my contest - Your entry post on Facebook must explain why you've chosen to share this particular memory, and how the rest of the family reacted to your "share".
- Limit one project per "share".
- More than one project "share" may be submitted.
- By entering the contest, you agree to allow us to "share" your "share" in our blogs and on our Facebook pages.
DEADLINE: 30 Sept 2012, so we can begin to share your "shares" during October 2012, Family History Month in the USA.
JUDGING: The decision of the judges will be purely arbitrary, chocolate bribes are welcome. No seriously -- the winner will be chosen at random, and the decisions of the judges are final.
JUDGING: The decision of the judges will be purely arbitrary, chocolate bribes are welcome. No seriously -- the winner will be chosen at random, and the decisions of the judges are final.
PRIZES: The Prizes will be announced on 5 October 2012. The winners must submit a valid US mailing address to receive the grand prize, unless Amazon.com delivers to your address in other parts of the world. The prizes include:

Kodak PlaySport (Zx5) HD Waterproof Pocket Video Camera - Aqua (2nd Generation)
- Eastman Kodak Company. You'll note t has a built-in "SHARE" button to
instantly share the video you capture with family and friends.
2nd PRIZE - $50 Amazon.com Gift Certificate
3rd PRIZE - $25 Amazon.com Gift Certificate
Carrie Keele
(a.k.a. "DearMYRTLE's daughter)
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