Day Dreaming; It's No Small Thing

I'm a dreamer. Always have been. It is not unusual for my husband to have a conversation with me, of which I can remember nothing because I was dreaming up the next big "thing". I think it's a family trait. My 13 y.o., Bree, is often daydreaming. And then there's my mom, it's not unusual for her to pull an "all-nighter" when inspiration hits.

And it works for me. Most of the time. But sometimes it's easy to get stuck in my own head. What I've come to realize is that most of the time what holds me back from really living my dreams is fear ... fear of failure, fear of not being good enough ... yada, yada.
As a mother I am teaching my children to follow their dreams, to be who they want to be; not who friends think they should be. Shouldn't it be the same for me?

My Mom asked me the other day what are the things I enjoy doing and find fulfillment in. There are many things that make me happy but ultimately when I am sharing and being a contribution in other people's lives, I am happy. I am filled. This time of my life (being a mom & wife, working, PTA, church duties, etc.), it is very easy to only finish the "must do's" and leave no time for the me. No time for the projects and dreams that are in my heart. But if not now, when?

So I'm making a pact. Between you and me. I'm giving up the fear and replacing it with courage. Courage to pursue those dreams. Even if it's only minutes each day. It's something. And that is no small thing.

Carrie Keele
(a.k.a. "DearMYRTLE's daughter)

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