I've got this great office space in my basement. It's painted a creative shade of lavendar. I've added vinyl words in different fonts around the walls (imagine, be, inspire, style, create). My mom bought me an amazing desk and cabinets from Ikea a few years back (I think it was birthday, Christmas, Mother's Day and then some!). My father-in-law even added some shelving into the closet last summer.
But for some reason, my office is like the magnetic center of the house for all things that don't have a place. The result is I end up working anywhere else, using just my laptop. Instead of using my amazing office, I work at the kitchen table, from my couch, even in bed. Now that I have added genealogy to my list of interests (jewelry making, crafts, sewing, photography, fitness coaching, etc.) ... I realize that I NEED to have a separate space. Did I mention I work from home? Yeah, I
need an office.
Last week I decided enough was enough and I started de-junking. After removing 4 bags of garbage (don't judge) and 3 bags for donation I'm ready to start organizing. The room I use, was originally a bedroom and the closet already had some great built in shelves. I asked my father-in-law, Gordon Erickson (he loves woodworking almost as much as he loves genealogy), to add shelves on the other side.
Here's the (almost) before pix. The open part of the closet had a rod (you can see it poking into the pix!!) to hang clothes. Gordon has already added the supports, up next shelves. |
Gordon hard at work!! |
The finished project (minus paint of course, that's my job!!) |
This is where I got stuck. After I painted the shelves, I started adding stuff. But there was no rhyme or reason. Most of my stuff was still in boxes or big Rubbermaid containers. The result: I still can never find what I'm looking for. My mission (should I choose to accept it ...) is to organize it once and for all. Now I don't have the after pictures yet, but here's the progress so far. Oh and P.S. I'm a mom on a budget, so while I drool over many Pinterest organization pictures, I've got to do with what I have (or is
very cheap).
I have lots of BIGGER containers, but the problem is it becomes a collect-all. I got a TON of these 6 qt. containers from Wallyworld (Wal-Mart) for $.97 each. I'm using the Post-it notes for now until I make the permanent labels. |
Ikea sells these magazine holders (I believe it's like 5 for 2 bucks). I'll put the label on with scrapbook paper for the background & some clear contact paper ('cause I like to add some style!!) |
These are just some of our (me and Bree's) beads, I've slowly acquired the containers over time as they are on sale from Robert's or Michael's. |
I LOVE baskets. And cute boxes. But man, they are SO expensive. Imagine my delight when I saw these beauties on clearance at Joanne Fabric yesterday (baskets were 9 bucks each and the boxes were 3 bucks each). We went there for 2 yards of fabric and I left with 2 baskets and 2 boxes. I quickly returned for the 3rd basket and 2 more boxes. The boxes are 12 by 12 and I envision having a current project in each one that I can easily put away and pull out as needed. LOVE!!! |
My house was built in 1979 and I think they didn't believe in lighting. Or they were vampires. Either way, my office has always been dim (not me, the office!!). It has an overhead light that can only have a 60 watt bulb and though it has 2 windows, it is the basement so it's not direct light. While at Ikea yesterday I found this cute lampshade on sale for 4 bucks. the chord with light bulb attachment was 3 bucks. I picked up 2 hooks for another buck at Wallyworld. Let there be light!! $8 total and I installed it myself!! |
Okay, enough talk time for some more work!!
Mom, I'll be ready for our big summer project including taking a look at those 117 4-inch binders full of genealogy research!! (Glad I'm not trying to fit that in here!!)
Carrie Keele
(a.k.a. "
DearMYRTLE's daughter)
Looks awesome!! Congratulations on your "new" office space!